Captain William McKenzie Research Notes

My eBay message to the Seller:
The Omega watch arrived on Friday, and it is absolutely perfect! I collect vintage wrist watches that "have a story to tell", and Lt. Commander McKenzie's has a very long one. I have attached a 1-page summary of his career; I have collected 30-40 pages of information....... Bill McKenzie lived in Bremerton for many years after his retirement from the Navy. Did you purchase his watch at an estate sale?
Response from eBay Seller:
Wow! This is amazing! Bill, or "Mac" as he was referred to is my grandpa! He passed a few years back and I had ended up with some different random things of his and my Grandma's. I am so glad this ended up in the hands of someone who would appreciate it. And that is what I was hoping for. It did no good to anyone sitting in some drawer here. Wow. I appreciate you telling me this and glad you are enjoying it! This has really made my year, considering what a strange and sad one it has been. Thank you so much
Lt. Cmdr McKenzie's Omega Seamaster
This was my first Omega watch, and was an absolute "must buy" when I found it on eBay. A quick search of William McKenzie returned dozens of articles, photos, and information about his distinguished career in the Navy. As a favorite son of Billings Montana, his Navy career was well documented in the local newspaper.
The 1961 formal photo of McKenzie in full dress uniform, with his Omega Seamaster displayed on his left wrist provided the ultimate provenance for this watch.
I noticed that the eBay seller was from Bremerton Washington -- where Capt. McKenzie had retired. I messaged her after receiving the watch, and asked if she got it an estate sale. She replied that she was one of Mac's granddaughters, and reluctantly decided to part with a watch she inherited but never wore.
I responded that I would honor this watch, and that if her family ever wanted it returned,i would do so....
"You never actually own a watch...You merely look after it for the next generation..."
Special thanks to eBay sellers Tom & Maria, who owned Lt. Sizer's Elgin Avigo for many years, and took such great care of the watch!