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Edith Lackner Biography-2

Fatal Plane Crash: Oct 29, 1938
Edith was determined to advance her piloting skills by learning how to "fly by instrument", instead of relying on the line-of-sight. Her Stinson Reliant was one of the most sophisticated planes available -- still, this was a era of no radar or advanced avionics. On Oct 29, 1938, Edith was "flying blind", using only her instruments while routinely flying back to Cincinnati from a Ninety-Niners meeting in Cleveland. Too late, Edith realized that she had flown 200 miles off course, and her attempts at an emergency landing failed. She crashed near Williamson, WV.
Edith Lackner was honored for her courage by many of her fellow aviators; they dropped flowers as they flew over her graveside services.

Book no.1
Book no.2
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